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Headline: New Study Reveals the Power of Laughter on Mental Health

Laughter is a powerful medicine that can improve mental health in a number of ways. A new study published in the journal "Emotion" found that laughter can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also boost mood, creativity, and social connection.

The study involved 120 participants who were randomly assigned to one of three groups. One group watched a funny movie, one group watched a neutral movie, and one group listened to a lecture on a neutral topic. After watching the movie or listening to the lecture, all participants completed a series of questionnaires about their mood, stress levels, and social connection.

The results showed that the group that watched the funny movie had significantly lower levels of stress and anxiety than the other two groups. They also had higher levels of mood and social connection. The group that listened to the lecture on a neutral topic had no significant changes in their mood, stress levels, or social connection.

The researchers concluded that laughter is a powerful tool that can improve mental health in a number of ways. They recommend that people try to incorporate more laughter into their lives by watching funny movies, reading humorous books, or spending time with people who make them laugh.

